The Power of Performance Marketing: How’s 40% Marketing Budget Lifts the Fitness Game!

In today’s digital age, marketing has evolved significantly, and businesses are continuously seeking innovative ways to stand out in the competitive landscape. Among the various marketing strategies, one approach has been gaining immense traction for its ability to drive transactions and deliver results Performance Marketing. One company that has successfully harnessed the potential of performance […]

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The Barbie Movie Marketing: A Shining Example of Creativity and Brand Power

If you thought Barbie was just a doll, think again. The recent launch of the Barbie movie on July 21st has showcased an extraordinary display of marketing prowess. From utilizing the iconic pink color to forming strategic partnerships and embracing the controversial aspects of the brand, the marketing team behind the Barbie movie has left […]

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Social Media Marketing in 2023 Predictions Instagram–Part 2

In 2022, authentic content was more appreciated on Instagram, Influencers, Visual Effects, Creativity, Videos, Stories, Reels and Shopping. The platform has added a lot of new tools to support users to create more and more interactive and fresh content. And Instagram also supports and steps up to growing business accounts. But it seems that Instagram […]

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Virtual World: A New Paradigm in Brand Marketing

Sponsor(s) Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) The main objective of this research is to measure the potential of in-game advertisement with the relation of brand awareness and brand engagement in the context of placing a different type of advertisement inside the virtual gaming world in the Indian market place. This study utilized […]

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